NEWS: As always, Toy Fair has delivered. Jakks had most of the products they plan to release this year on display, though they didn't allow photography of a lot of future products because they aren't planned to be released until the second half of the year. They have to keep some stuff hidden from the public. After all, they don't want to ruin the surprises they have in store for the second half of the year. If you haven't done so already, do yourself a favor and check out Ringside Collectibles Toy Fair 2000 Coverage. We have more WWF Toy Fair Coverage than all other toy sites combined!! That's a lot of coverage, so check it out right now!! Without a doubt, the biggest news item to come out of Jakks' display at Toy Fair is the announcement of their new Real Scan technology. With the use of this technology, sculptors will no longer have to sit down and sculpt a figure's head based on photos. This new techonology will allow the heads to be sculpted digitally from a scan of the wrestler's head with a perfect likeness as the end result. The Real Scan figures are expected to arrive in stores in the next few months.
In stock this week is
Slam Series 3.
Here to check out exclusive photographs of
Slam 3 in it's packaging. Double Slam 3 includes Debra
& Steve Austin, Test & Big Show, Hardcore Holly & Billy Gunn,
Mankind & The Undertaker. Jakks' WWF figures aren't only popular domestically though. JAKKS announced that its WWF action figures and accessories have received the British Association of Toy Retailers' "Boys Toy of the Year'' award for 1999/2000. Click Here to read the press release. Next week will be the first ever Figure Insider Mailbag. In the Mailbag section of this column I will answer some of the best questions that I receive via e-mail each week. So if you have a WWF-Figure related question that has been bugging you, simply e-mail me, your Figure Insider at: [email protected].
Final Results of last week's Poll:
The Hardy Boyz took 35%
of the votes last week as the figures you most want to see displayed at Toy
Fair. Rikishi finished second, but only had half as many votes as the Hardys.
New WWF arival Tazz scored an impressive thrid place finish with 14% of the
tally. Too Cool grabbed the fourth spot with 11%, and the Radicals rounded
out the top five with 9%.
Finally, The Rock has come back to the Figure Insider! Briefly, in late 1998 and early 1999, The Rock wore warmup pants and a t-shirt to wrestle in. This outfit was perfectly recreated in 2 Tuff 5 with the last new BCA figure of The Rock. Not only did he feature his bull logo shirt, but the Great One was also sculpted to look like he was in the middle of dropping the People's Elbow on some poor jabronie's roody-poo candy-ass. BRING IT TO ME JAKKS!: Is there a certain figure that you would like to see produced or an accessory you would like to see made? Jakks has told us that they would love to hear your ideas and suggestions for future products! If you always wanted that Howard Finkel & Lillian Garcia 2-Pack to complete your collection or if you think that Jakks should come out with Prince Albert's back hair playset with real hair, all that you have to do is e-mail Jakks with your suggestion. They just might use it! All product suggestions sent to: [email protected] will be forwarded directly to Jakks Pacific.
week's prize is a $30 Ringside Collectibles Gift Certificate.
The question is: In the Survivor Series 4-pack,
what color are the Ultimate Warrior's trunks?
Go Mental! and Shotgun Saturday Night 4-packs were exclusives
to Sam's Club stores. This week's winner is E-Mail me any questions, comments or suggestions you may have about this column at: [email protected]
The opinions of John Barnett are his, and not necessarily those of Ringside Collectibles, ringsidecollectibles.com, or it's staff. We try our best to bring you the most accurate information possible however, neither Ringside Collectibles or John Barnett are responsible for any false or inaccurate information that may appear on this page. |
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Photographs of the Jakks WWF figures, the WWF logo , and all images of the WWF Superstars are ©2000 Jakks Pacific, Inc. and WWF Entertainment. Images appearing on this site may not be used or reproduced in any form.