By John Barnett

(For the week of April 2, 2000)

NEWS:Don't worry if you don't live in California. Wrestlemania weekend is here and we have your exclusive look at Jakks display at WWF AXXESS, The Fan Fest. If you enjoyed our coverage of Toy Fair 2000, you will be blown away by our coverage of everything Jakks had to show the fans at Toy Fair. Our exclusive Jakks at WWF AXXESS coverage will be up later this week!

Jakks isn't known for having a whole lot of variations with their figures, but their Wrestlemania 2000 assortments have quite a few. First off, TTL Series 2 has a variation with the sleeves that hold the Go for the Gold! belts. Early shipments had white sleeves for the belts, while more recent shipments come with red sleeves for the belts. Also in TTL Series 2, Stone Cold Steve Austin has a variation with his jewelry. One version has his necklace and bracelet molded in a gold color, while a variation features jewelry painted gold. The Rock ins Double Slam Series 2 also has the same variation with his necklace and bracelet. In SmackDown! Series 2, the ultra-cool Edge figure has a head variation. The original version has blonde hair and blue eyes, while the variation has the same head from his Double Slam figure with brown hair.

Grapple Gear Series 4: Die Cast is in stock. If you pre-ordered this great assortment of Grapple Gear, expect to have them in your hands very soon. If not, order them soon. Otherwise, you'll have to wait a few weeks or even months for local stores to stock them.

If you need Superstars Series 1, you can pick up the entire set at Ringside Collectibles for only $200. That's all six figures, including Razor Ramon and Diesel, for $200!. I seriously doubt you can find them online any cheaper

Final Results of last week's Poll: Last week's poll was quite interesting. Rikishi Phatu finished first with over 40% of the votes, and Tazz took second with over 30%. After that, Kurt Angle had a strong third place showing. In a major surprise to me, Chris Benoit finished last. He was beaten out by Linda McMahon! It looks like the conspiracy working against Benoit goes beyond WCW as previously believed.

Which WWF Superstar do you want to see Jakks produce a figure of?
Rikishi Phatu


Chris Benoit




Kurt Angle


Linda McMahon



Are you interested in our coverage of Jakks display at WWF AXXESS?



Every week your Figure Insider will answer the two best questions that I receive via e-mail.  So if you have a WWF-Figure related question that has been bugging you, simply e-mail me, your Figure Insider at: [email protected]. Make sure you include your Name and Town in the e-mail.

Make sure you include your Name and Town in the e-mail.

Andrew from Brooklyn, NY writes:
I just recently noticed the Edge figure from Smackdown 2 has two different colorings. I have two Edges from Smackdown 2. One version has him with blonde hair and blue eyes, and the other has him with medium brown hair and brown eyes. Did they re-paint the figure, or did Jakks purposely make this figure into a variation?

I'm sure Jakks wouldn't stoop to the lows of McFarlane toys or Hasbro by purposely making variation, especially since Jakks' variations seem to be available in equal numbers. As for the reason behind the brown-haired Edge variation, the most likely answer would seem to be that the production run of the blonde heads ran out and Jakks just used the existing original heads to complete the production run of the figures.

Augie Pires from Danbury, CT writes:
Why don't any of the TTL figures have knee or elbow pads? Why can't Jakks sculpt knee joints on top of the pads?

So far, the absence of elbow and knee pads seems to be nothing more than an oversight on Jakks' part. Have no fear though; new RealScan figures coming out soon will feature pads. If you look at the pictures of the RealScan case in our Toy Fair coverage, you can see new figures of Triple H, X-Pac, and Road Dogg that feature elbow pads, knee pads, and even kick pads.


Chris Jericho

Titan Tron Live Series 3

The Millennium Man of the WWF, Chris Jericho, is most definitely one of the biggest stars in wrestling, and his first WWF figure in Titan Tron Live Series 3 is definitely the hottest figures of the year. No figure has been met with as much demand as Y2J, and he's flying out out of stores just about as fast as he comes out of the cases.

BRING IT TO ME JAKKS!: Is there a certain figure that you would like to see produced or an accessory you would like to see made?  Jakks has informed us that they would love to hear your ideas and suggestions for future products!  If you always wanted that Howard Finkel & Lillian Garcia 2-Pack to complete your collection or if you think that Jakks should come out with Prince Albert's back hair playset with real hair, all that you have to do is e-mail Jakks with your suggestion.  They just might use it!  All product suggestions sent to: [email protected] will be forwarded directly to Jakks Pacific.

FIGURE INSIDER TRIVIA:  This week's prize is a $10 Ringside Collectibles Gift Certificate.  The question is: What set contained the 2nd Bret Hart figure that Jakks ever produced and what store was it exclusive to?

If you think you know the answer, just send an e-mail to:
[email protected] with the subject "INSIDER CONTEST", in the e-mail you MUST include your answer along with your name and town.  Only one entry per person.  Multiple entries will be disqualified.  Your answer must be received by 11:59pm eastern time on April 6th. One winner will be chosen from all correct entries received. You can rest assured that personal information sent in for this contest will not be used for marketing purposes. It allows us to ensure that multiple entries are disqualified!
The winner of this contest will be announced on the Figure Insider page the weekend of April 6.

The design on the Special Edition Series 6 Jeff Jarrett's trunks are white with a red trim.  This week's winner is [email protected]. E-mail your address ASAP to receive your prize.

E-Mail me any questions, comments or suggestions you may have about this column at: [email protected]

The opinions of John Barnett are his, and not necessarily those of Ringside Collectibles, ringsidecollectibles.com, or it's staff.  We try our best to bring you the most accurate information possible however, neither Ringside Collectibles or John Barnett are responsible for any false or inaccurate information that may appear on this page.

Past Figure Insider Reports:

Mar. 25, #33
Mar. 18, #32
Mar. 5, #31
Feb. 27, #30
Feb. 19, #29
Toy Fair 7
Toy Fair 6
Toy Fair 5
Toy Fair 4
Toy Fair 3
Toy Fair 2
Toy Fair 1
Toy Fair
Feb. 5, #28
Jan. 30, #27
Jan. 22, #26
Jan. 15, #25
Jan. 8, #24
Jan. 1, #23
Dec. 26, #22
Dec. 19, #21
Dec. 10, #20
Dec. 1, #19
Nov. 19, #18
Nov. 13, #17
Nov. 5, #16
Oct. 30, #15
Oct. 22, #14
Oct. 18, #13
Oct. 11, #12
Oct. 2, #11
Sep. 25, #10
Sep. 19, #9
Sep. 11, #8
Sep. 5, #7
Aug. 27, #6
Aug. 20, #5

Aug. 14, #4
Aug. 7, #3
July 30, #2
July 26, #1

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Photographs of the Jakks WWF figures, the WWF logo , and all images of the WWF Superstars are ©2000 Jakks Pacific, Inc. and WWF Entertainment.  Images appearing on this site may not be used or reproduced in any form.