Category Archives: Mattel WWE Elite

San Diego Comic-Con 2015 – Mattel WWE Coverage!

For Mattel WWE wrestling figure fans, San Diego Comic-Con is the most wonderful time of the year! New Mattel WWE action figures are revealed, WWE Superstars serve as guests at their very own Comic-Con panel, and there’s always a surprise or two that is completely unexpected for the WWE Universe!

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Feed Your Mattel WWE Ryback Appetite!


By Robert Mulrenin

Feed. Me. More! Ryback has resurged as a dominant force in the WWE. Since returning from surgery, Ryback has taken the WWE Universe by storm, returning to his original ways of ‘feeding’ on the competition and taking down opponents with no problem. He has been represented in the Mattel WWE action figure line with colorful, wildly designed singlets, sometimes directly reflecting his good…or mean…personality. Whether Ryback is on the side of the fans or not, he is always intense, and that has been captured in his Mattel WWE figures.

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Hulk Hogan vs. CM Punk…Mattel WWE Makes It Happen!


CM Punk and Hulk Hogan have not seen or spoken to each other in ages, and they have never appeared on WWE television together. However, every single member of the WWE Universe and more importantly, every single wrestling fan knows that Hulk Hogan and CM Punk have been at odds with each other recently due to Hulk Hogan’s NHL hockey playoff comments. CM Punk, a rabid and loyal Chicago Black Hawks fan, has not taken kindly to Hulk Hogan’s comments about his team. Hulk Hogan, in turn, has called CM Punk a ‘puck’ and gone out of his way to fire back at his criticisms in favor of the Tampa Bay Lightning.

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Mattel WWE Elite 37 Now Available for Pre-Order!

Fans are rejoicing as the Mattel WWE Elite Series 37 has finally been placed for pre-order at Ringside Collectibles. With a few of the figures already seen by the public, it looks to be one of the most popular series in recent memory. Mattel WWE Elite 37 includes:

  • Stephanie McMahon
  • John Cena
  • Dean Malenko
  • The Miz
  • Brock Lesnar
  • Seth Rollins

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Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns – Partners in Crime

Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose join together as brothers!

Since the dismantling of The Shield by The Authority in their recruitment of Seth Rollins, fans have struggled to accept the fact that the ‘Hounds of Justice’ are no longer running together as a pack. Seth Rollins is living out his life of selling his soul to the devil and seemingly struggling on their own, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns have seldom been seen together.

Until now.

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The Darker Side of Sheamus, Mattel WWE Style


Since returning to the WWE, Sheamus has shown a more intense side that few were expecting to see. Calling back to his no-nonsense debut days, Sheamus has come back with a vengeance, showcasing his aggression on the likes of Daniel Bryan and others. Perhaps the most shocking aspect of his powerful return is the look he is currently sporting. With a new mohawk and wild beard, Sheamus is bringing out a scary side and looks more threatening than ever. Of course, wrestling figure fans will be waiting on this look to debut in the Mattel WWE figure line, but in the meantime, they have plenty of recent versions of Sheamus during happier times to be thankful for.

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Mattel WWE Elite 36 Prototype Images Revealed!

There are now PROTOTYPE images for the Mattel WWE Elite 36! These images give a detailed look at what the Mattel WWE Elite 36 set will look like once released and making their way into the hands of the fans! The Mattel WWE Elite 36 includes:

  • Dean Ambrose
  • DDP (Diamond Dallas Page)
  • Bray Wyatt
  • Stardust
  • Goldust
  • Bo Dallas

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Sting Drops From the Rafters in Mattel WWE Defining Moments!

Almost as long as fans have been waiting for Sting to wrestle in the WWE, fans have been waiting for a WWE-licensed wrestling figure treatment of the legend. With some memorably fun figures produced for WCW and a few TNA figures that lined up with many older Jakks WWE wrestling action figures, Sting has been waiting in the shadows so to speak for his Mattel WWE wrestling action figure debut. One can say that he has now descended from the rafters as the violins play his entrance music when he debuts in the Mattel WWE Defining Moments.

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True Lunacy! Dean Ambrose Gets Mattel WWE Crazy!

As he waits in the wings for his chance to join his ex-Shield brethren Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose carves out a name for himself in the WWE as the ‘Lunatic Fringe,’ showcasing an unpredictability and aggressive manner that is unmatched. As his style continues to bloom with razor sharp edges, Dean Ambrose becomes one of the most beloved Superstars in the WWE Universe. Because of this, his Mattel WWE figures are beginning to perfectly capture his loose-cannon persona.

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Las Vegas 2015 Mattel WWE Figure Display! – Part II

As a last minute surprise, Mattel WWE wrestling figure fans were treated to an appearance at Wizard World Las Vegas by Mattel WWE Lead Designer Bill Miekina! Bill brought along some new looks at upcoming Mattel WWE figures, including a packaged version of the Ringside Collectibles Exclusive American Made Hulk Hogan, Defining Moments Sting, Bo Dallas’ first Mattel WWE Elite and more! To add to the excitement, the one and only Dean Ambrose arrived to take photographs of himself with his upcoming Mattel WWE figure! Stay tuned to Ringside Collectibles for the latest in Mattel WWE wrestling action figure news!

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