The Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy, still remains one of the most popular wrestling superstars to ever walk the earth. He now calls TNA IMPACT Wrestling his home, and has proven that he is an amazing asset wherever he decides to step foot into a ring. Ringside Collectibles has been lucky enough to, for most of Jeff’s amazing run, produce Exclusive wrestling action figures based on his most memorable attires. Take a closer look at some of Hardy’s best wrestling figures ever, now available again for a limited time:
Since returning to the WWE, both Sheamus and Christian have not been able to escape each other’s sights. Week after week, they both get under one another’s skin with Sheamus keeping Christian from reaching new heights in the WWE and Christian taking out his frustrations with unnecessary roughness and ruthless aggression on Sheamus. A classic feud has thus been born, much more meaningful and entertaining than the last time the two Superstars met. With plenty to offer from Mattel for WWE action figures of both Captain Charisma and the Celtic Warrior, you can either bring their feud to an end or keep it going forever with endless possibilities.
Mattel WWE Elite 20 Christian!
Perhaps Christian would do better with sensibilities closer to his old style, as featured in Mattel WWE Elite 20. The ‘old school’ Christian Flashback comes with Elite articulation and an aggressive style that was coupled with a sense of humor unlike any other. With removable sunglasses, long hair, and posing for the benefit of those with flash photography, Christian’s sillier days may have posed more of a speedy challenge for Sheamus as opposed to his current heavy, aggressive style. Most likely, Christian feels he is more successful taking his challenges more seriously.
Mattel WWE Elite 25 Sheamus!
The Mattel WWE Elite 25 Sheamus is perfect for any wrestling figure fans or members of the WWE Universe looking to end the feud with Christian with a swift, well placed Brogue Kick. In the ring Christian may come back despite being knocked down time and time again, but it may be more difficult for him when faced with such a well made wrestling figure. Complete with removable shirt and Celtic cross necklace, this Sheamus wrestling figure embodies what it means to be behind the man that loves to fight.
Mattel WWE Series 39 Christian!
The latest Mattel WWE Christian in Series 39 shows off his new smug, aggressive behavior with a new hairstyle and an over-confident smile. With purple tights, Christian has changed colors as often as a chameleon over the years, but still remained the same skilled animal in the wild of the WWE underneath. This figure will represent his recent ruthlessness and relentless attacks on Sheamus and anything else standing between he and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
Mattel WWE Series 38 Sheamus!
The Mattel WWE Series 38 Sheamus figure includes a confident smirk and wears newly designed attire, the same style he has been wearing since his return to the WWE ring. This accurately depicts Sheamus (aside from the happy smile) during his current struggles with Christian and his constant need to take out his frustrations. Sheamus is powerful and has so far, always managed to prevail and this figure makes it clear he shows no signs of stopping.
Whether you want Sheamus to end Christian’s obnoxious reign or terror or Christian to put Sheamus down for the count once and for all, the Ringside Collectibles Exclusive Jakks 20 Piece Accessory Pack gives you all the necessary tools to have a memorable, hardcore fight. Reminiscent of the matches Sheamus and Christian have been having, the inclusion of a table cart, steel steps, traffic cones and kendo sticks will offer additional combat options.
To see all available wrestling figure accessories click here!
To see all available WWE Superstar Christian items click here!
To see all available WWE Superstar Sheamus items click here!
Earl Hebner has officiated over 10,000 wrestling matches between his time in the WWE and TNA. Acting as the senior official in both companies, he is perhaps best known for his involvement in the Montreal Screwjob. He ‘screwed’ Bret Hart by counting quickly when Hart was pinned to award the championship to Shawn Michaels.
Legendary Referee Earl Hebner!
Referee action figures have been limited to guest referee figures of wrestling superstars, so the release of Earl Hebner’s Jakks Legends of the Ring figure marks the first time an actual official has been made into an action figure in at least a decade. Earl Hebner has been trusted plenty of times with calling a match down the middle, but you can never be too sure.
Jakks Legends of the Ring Earl Hebner Exclusive!
When having matches with your wrestling figures, you can use Earl Hebner as an official referee. It will be up to you whether or not he can be trusted when officiating, but it’s a fact that he is the best man (or referee wrestling figure) for the job!
To see all wrestling accessories Earl Hebner would have thrown out of a match, click here!