Tag Archives: Ultimate Warrior

Mattel WWE Series 98 NOW IN STOCK!

It’s a new day and a new set with Mattel WWE Series 98 now IN STOCK at Ringside Collectibles! WWE Series 98 includes:

  • Ultimate Warrior
  • Ruby Riott
  • Finn Balor
  • Elias
  • Tony Nese

The Ultimate Warrior is stronger than ever as a new yellow and orange look brings him back to the line. Ruby Riott makes her Mattel WWE figure debut with her trademark tattoos and intense look! Elias also returns in this set, ready for a song and ready for a match right after if you’re lucky. Rounding out the set are Finn Balor with a classic ‘Balor Club’ look and Tony Nese, taking over 205 Live with tremendous skill. Check out images below:

To see all Mattel WWE Ultimate Warrior items available click here!
To see all Mattel WWE Tony Nese items available click here!
To see all Mattel WWE Ruby Riott items available click here!
To see all Mattel WWE Finn Balor items available click here!
To see all Mattel WWE Elias items available click here!

Mattel WWE Ultimate Edition 1 Now IN STOCK at RSC!

Legends are forever and that couldn’t be truer with the latest effort from Mattel. The Mattel WWE Ultimate Edition raises the stakes to a level way above what many consider to be ‘elite’ with incredible articulation, multiple accessories and amazing detail. Mattel WWE Ultimate Edition 1 features Ronda Rousey and Ultimate Warrior and is now IN STOCK at Ringside Collectibles!

Ultimate Warrior is sporting his infamous ring gear from Halloween Havoc 1998, complete with entrance coat, molded tassels, interchangeable hands and heads and incredible detail. The ‘baddest woman on the planet’ also makes an appearance as Ronda Rousey also has multiple heads and hands, fight ready ring gear and removable ‘casual’ accessories featuring her kilt and leather jacket! Check out images below:

To see all Mattel WWE Ronda Rousey items available click here!
To see all Mattel WWE Ultimate Warrior items available click here!

Mattel WWE Series 98 Now Up for PRE-ORDER at Ringside!

It’s the latest and greatest in the Mattel WWE line with WWE Series 98, now up for pre-order at Ringside Collectibles! WWE Series 98 includes:

  • Finn Balor
  • Ruby Riott
  • Ultimate Warrior
  • Elias
  • Tony Nese

The Balor Club can rejoice once again as they see the latest treatment from Mattel for Finn Balor. Balor gets a bright in ring style that reflects his beaming, smiling personality. Also featured is Ultimate Warrior, a Legend with an energy that has yet to be matched since he shook the ropes. 205 Live has a featured figurehead in Tony Nese, who showcases incredible skill and holds championship gold after working hard to get to the top of the pile. Ruby Riott, with one of the most unique looks ever for a member of the WWE women’s roster, appears with her first Mattel WWE wrestling figure treatment along with her unique tattoos. Rounding out the set is Elias, ready with a song and green ring pants as he continues to croon for the WWE Universe! Check out images below:

To see all Mattel WWE Ruby Riott items available click here!
To see all Mattel WWE Elias items available click here!
To see all Mattel WWE Finn Balor items available click here!
To see all Mattel WWE Tony Nese items available click here!
To see all Mattel WWE Ultimate Warrior items available click here!

Pre-Order The NEW Mattel WWE Ultimate Edition NOW!

It’s the dawn of a new era for Mattel WWE action figures, and wrestling figures overall. The Mattel WWE Ultimate Edition figures are now up for PRE-ORDER at WrestlingFigures.com! Debuting in this set are Ultimate Warrior and Ronda Rousey with two immensely iconic looks and incredible detail!

Ronda Rousey debuts in her WrestleMania 34 in-ring debut attire, complete with kilt, jacket, hand accessories and alternate heads! She also includes double-jointed elbows, articulated toes, an ab crunch torso, swivel wrists and double jointed knees! You will be able to capture authentic poses and looks like never before.

Ultimate Warrior’s oft-requested and long sought after ‘Halloween Havoc’ attire will also be featured. With a removable ‘Warrior’ entrance jacket designed like the event, he also includes accurate ring attire, hand accessories and alternate heads! He will also include double jointed elbows, articulated toes, an ab crunch torso, swivel wrists and double jointed knees. This will provide more realistic detail than ever before and raise the bar for how wrestling fans collect wrestling figures and how they play with them! Check out preview images below and pre-order now!

To see all Mattel WWE Ultimate Warrior items available click here!
To see all Mattel WWE Ronda Rousey items available click here!

The Mattel WWE Ultimate Edition Wrestling Figures Have Been Revealed!

There’s something new and exciting afoot…and the WWE Universe couldn’t be more pumped up! Mattel surprised us with a reason to give thanks by showcasing the new Mattel WWE Ultimate Edition Wrestling Figures. The debut figures of Ronda Rousey and Ultimate Warrior have arrived!

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Let’s Kick Shell with More WWE TMNT Action Figures!

The original Playmates WWE Ninja Turtles crossover line proved to be a massive success. To shout ‘cowabunga’ and ride that wave, a new WWE TMNT line was announced at New York Toy Fair 2017…complete with Corey Graves to kick it off!

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The Ultimate Maniacs Ride Again with Mattel WWE Defining Moments!

The Mattel WWE Defining Moments Series continues to immortalize signature looks for WWE Legends with top level ring gear from some of the most memorable matches of all time. Just announced, the legendary Ultimate Warrior returns to the Mattel WWE Defining Moments line with his unforgettable ‘Ultimate Maniacs’ look!

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Ringside Fest 2015 Mattel WWE Figure Display!

By Robert Mulrenin

Ringside Fest 2015 was a huge success! Fans were treated to meetings with their favorite WWE Superstars, including WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins, Lana, Paige, Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler! While waiting patiently to meet them, they were able to have a look at some new, upcoming Mattel WWE wrestling action figures, including the newly announced upcoming nWo Wolfpac Kevin Nash Exclusive! Also on the way were the first Kevin Owens, Sasha Banks and Bailey Mattel WWE figures. They were peppered into a lineup of returning favorites, like Sheamus with his new and improved look, a Flashback style Chris Jericho, Paul Bearer, Undertaker and even new looks for Lana and Wade Barrett.

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Sheamus Makes His Way Back to the WWE! His Mattel WWE Figures Never Left!

Sheamus, one of the most popular modern day Superstars, gives a new meaning to the term ‘Fightin’ Irish.’ Hailing from Ireland and having a skin tone and fiery red hair like no other he has impacted the WWE Universe since debuting in 2009 and continues to Brogue Kick his way through any oncoming opponents. After a lengthy injury, he returned to the WWE at the 2014 Royal Rumble, surprising excited fans and reminding them he is in the WWE to stay. Sheamus also has a plethora of Mattel WWE figures available, representing his massive Irish persona at different stages during his career.

Mattel WWE Elite 25 Sheamus!

Mattel WWE Elite 25 Sheamus!

Sheamus’ latest Mattel WWE Elite figure is in Elite Series 25, complete with Celtic chain, t-shirt and silver color scheme. His smiling face shows just how much he loves to be a WWE Superstar and his extra articulation in the Elite style helps any fan looking to administer Brogue Kicks or Celtic Crosses to their unsuspecting WWE wrestling figures. This is one of Sheamus’ best Elite offerings and cannot be matched in detail with regards to representing the Celtic Warrior.

Mattel WWE Pay Per View 11 Sheamus!

Mattel WWE Pay Per View 11 Sheamus!

The figure that began the Sheamus craze, this was simultaneously released as one of Sheamus’ first Mattel WWE figures, identical to the only other release at a time when fans wanted Sheamus more than any other Superstar in Mattel WWE figure form. With a new head sculpt and skin tone matching that of the real thing, Sheamus may be easier to find in the current day and age but at one point his figure was a hot commodity, and this version of it is a perfect example of when fans couldn’t get enough.

Mattel WWE WrestleMania XXX Battle Packs Sheamus vs. Ultimate Warrior!

Mattel WWE WrestleMania XXX Battle Packs Sheamus vs. Ultimate Warrior!

Mattel took it upon themselves to offer Fantasy Match Ups for WrestleMania XXX, and came up with the idea of Sheamus facing off with the Ultimate Warrior. Getting a colorful version of Mr. Warrior is one exciting aspect, but getting a smiling, red and black geared Sheamus is another. Completely ready to face off with one of his all time heroes, Sheamus would certainly give Ultimate Warrior a run for his money as the two brawny, popular Superstars faced off.

Mattel WWE Series 38 Sheamus!

Mattel WWE Series 38 Sheamus!

The latest Mattel WWE Sheamus figure in Series 38 is in turn, possibly the most exciting as it has an accurate and on time depiction of how Sheamus looked at his Royal Rumble 2014 return. Wearing the gold and silver trunks, knee pads and wrist wraps, Sheamus is one of the lucky few to have a completely and fully accurate representation of himself upon re-appearing in the WWE. This was due to a timing coincidence by Mattel that fit perfectly with Sheamus’ unfortunate injury. If anything good were to be said about what came of Sheamus’ injury, it would be that his latest Mattel WWE figure is spot on in as many ways as possible.

To see all available Mattel WWE Sheamus items click here!




Hall of Fame Inductee Ultimate Warrior’s Perfect Mattel WWE Looks!

The Ultimate Warrior will (in the eyes of many) finally be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame at WrestleMania XXX. His wild and intense demeanor and colorful attires have always been easy on the eyes of wrestling fans both young and old. His presence in the world of wrestling and influence are undeniable and now that he will forever be a WWE fixture, more Mattel WWE wrestling action figures based on the Warrior are bound to be produced. Here are a few speculative possibilities:

A Mattel WWE Ultimate Maniacs Warrior!

A Mattel WWE Ultimate Maniacs Warrior!

Ultimate Warrior teamed with his one-time nemesis ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage to form the Ultimate Maniacs. When the two powerhouses got together, they became an unstoppable tag team and faced off with many WWE staples at the time of their friendship. Ultimate Warrior sported a bright red and yellow color scheme with detailed logos and even sunglasses to match Randy Savage. With a brick-like design and arm tassels, this is a previously unmanufactured Warrior that would get wrestling figure fans talking.

A solo Mattel WWE Ultimate Warrior!

A solo Mattel WWE Ultimate Warrior!

The Ultimate Warrior, of course, made his biggest impact on the world of wrestling all by himself. This look captures Ultimate Warrior at the height of his solo career, complete with amazing airbrushing techniques on his trunks and pastel colors that separate him from any and every other wrestling superstar. Such a figure could be considered a definitive look, reminding fans of Warrior at any point during his solo career.

Mattel WWE WCW Halloween Havoc Ultimate Warrior!

Mattel WWE WCW Halloween Havoc Ultimate Warrior!

Though panned by many fans, Halloween Havoc ’98 remains memorable as a staple of Ultimate Warrior’s short lived WCW run and a showcase of one of his most incredibly detailed outfits to date. The Halloween Havoc look has been a sought after figure for many wrestling figure fans of Ultimate Warrior due to its incredible detail and dark, colorful look. Though the match may not be remembered through wrestling history, the outfit always will.

Modern Day Mattel WWE Ultimate Warrior!

Modern Day Mattel WWE Ultimate Warrior!

With his Hall of Fame induction, it wouldn’t be a disappointing surprise for the Ultimate Warrior, who is in great shape, to step into the WWE ring, either at the 2014 Royal Rumble or at WrestleMania XXX! If this were the case, a Mattel WWE figure based on his modern look would be a must have. It would be perfect for fans old and new to bring Ultimate Warrior’s presence into their current wrestling figure roster, to play with as a veteran competitor or even an authority figure! Warrior’s potential for wrestling figures can not be denied and Mattel will certainly not disappoint.

To see all Mattel WWE Ultimate Warrior items click here!