By John Barnett

(For the week of January 30, 2000)

NEWS: The major talent shakeup in WCW should carry over into the figure world. With Chris Benoit, Eddie Guererro, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn gaining their emancipation from WCW, the quartet is expected to show up in the WWF soon as major players. If and/or when they enter the WWF, expect figures to follow shortly after their debut.

Speaking of recent WWF acquisitions, there already seems to be high demand for a Tazz figure. He's only been with the WWF for one week, but the e-mails are already coming in asking when the Human Suplex Machine will be made in a convenient, take-home size plastic replica. With Toy Fair looming around the corner, don't be surprised to see a Tazz figure confirmed for an upcoming assortment.

Don't think Jakks isn't listening to your requests. You've been demanding figures of the Hardy Boyz, and we will be seeing figures of them VERY soon.

Keep checking Ringside Collectibles in the coming weeks for the rest of the pictures of Double Slam 3, and Back Alley Street Fighters.

Final Results of last week's Poll: Y2J continues to break the walls down, as he topped last week's poll for favorite Titan Tron Live Series 3 figure. His figure may very well be the most anticipated TTL figure Jakks has made, and he took a HUGE 66% of all votes. That's four times as many votes as Chyna's second place finish of 16%! I'm obviously not the only one that can't wait for Jericho's figure. Rounding out the poll at a distant showing were The Rock, Test, and Big Bossman.

Which Titan Tron Live Series 3 figure do you like the best?
Big Bossman (25)


Test (32)


Chyna (92)


Chris Jericho (360)


The Rock (41)



What is your favorite Double Slam Series 3 2-Pack?

Hardcore Holly & Billy Gun
Big Show & Test
Undertaker & Mankind
Debra & Steve Austin




Smackdown Series 2

Edge has been released three times already in TTL form, with an amazing likeness. His figure looks just like Edge in every detail. Though all three are great figures, his Smackdown Series 2 figure stands out as the best. He's got the bleached hair and bright trench coat that Edge made famous, and pink tights which he has actually worn during matches. All of these extra's add to an already great figure. In case you missed last week's column, the Edge & Christian signed 2-Pack is now in stock.  The 2-pack and Edge's Smackdown Series 2 figure are must-have's for any Jakks collector.

BRING IT TO ME JAKKS!: Is there a certain figure that you would like to see produced or an accessory you would like to see made?  Jakks has told us that they would love to hear your ideas and suggestions for future products!  If you always wanted that Howard Finkel & Lillian Garcia 2-Pack to complete your collection or if you think that Jakks should come out with Prince Albert's back hair playset with real hair, all that you have to do is e-mail Jakks with your suggestion.  They just might use it!  All product suggestions sent to: [email protected] will be forwarded directly to Jakks Pacific.

FIGURE INSIDER TRIVIA:  This week's prize is a $30 Ringside Collectibles Gift Certificate.  The question is: What was the original title of Jakks' Grudge Match 2-packs?

If you think you know the answer, just send an e-mail to: [email protected] with the subject "INSIDER CONTEST", in the e-mail you MUST include your answer along with your name and town.  Only one entry per person.  Multiple entries will be disqualified.  Your answer must be received by 11:59pm eastern time on February 4th. One winner will be chosen from all correct entries received. You can rest assured that personal information sent in for this contest will not be used for marketing purposes. It allows us to ensure that multiple entries are disqualified!
The winner of this contest will be announced on the Figure Insider page the weekend of February 4th.

The first official Grudge Match 2-pack was the Shawn Michaels vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin 2-pack. The winner of last week's trivia is [email protected]. E-mail your address ASAP to receive your prize.

E-Mail me any questions, comments or suggestions you may have about this column at: [email protected]

The opinions of John Barnett are his, and not necessarily those of Ringside Collectibles, ringsidecollectibles.com, or it's staff.  We try our best to bring you the most accurate information possible however, neither Ringside Collectibles or John Barnett are responsible for any false or inaccurate information that may appear on this page.

Past Figure Insider Reports:

Jan. 22, #26
Jan. 15, #25
Jan. 8, #24
Jan. 1, #23
Dec. 26, #22
Dec. 19, #21
Dec. 10, #20
Dec. 1, #19
Nov. 19, #18
Nov. 13, #17
Nov. 5, #16
Oct. 30, #15
Oct. 22, #14
Oct. 18, #13
Oct. 11, #12
Oct. 2, #11
Sep. 25, #10
Sep. 19, #9
Sep. 11, #8
Sep. 5, #7
Aug. 27, #6
Aug. 20, #5

Aug. 14, #4
Aug. 7, #3
July 30, #2
July 26, #1

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Photographs of the Jakks WWF figures, the WWF logo , and all images of the WWF Superstars are ©2000 Jakks Pacific, Inc. and WWF Entertainment.  Images appearing on this site may not be used or reproduced in any form.